Brochure: Waste to Energy

Brochure: Waste to Energy

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Brochure: Waste to Energy

January 18, 2022

Read about Yemen’s first ever waste-to-energy plant project! Unique in the Arab region, the plant provides an innovative and replicable approach to energy production using local waste. It also serves to protect Yemen’s climate as well as help vulnerable and marginalized communities with livelihoods and enables them to live in a cleaner, healthier environment.

The Waste-to-Energy Plant Project was established through a unique partnership between UNDP Yemen, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), the SDG Climate Facility Project, the Yemeni Private Sector (Sehab Tech), and the European Union (EU) as part of Supporting Resilient Livelihoods and Food Security in Yemen Joint Programme - ERRY II.